

对于区块链和加密领域来说,2020年是有趣的一年。随着多头主导市场,比特币突破历史新高,投资者和“hodlers”看到了一个好时机。然则区块链协议在开发方面做得怎么样?已往一年焦点开发的主要趋势和开发者的孝敬是什么?他们今年还会继续吗?为了回覆这些问题,Outlier Ventures对区块链和加密领域**项目进行了深入的手艺分析。



  • 以太坊共有42457次提交,仍然是开发最活跃的区块链协议,其次是Cardano(37327)和比特币(21614)PolkadotCoos的总提交数分别为1887917854,在开发流动中也不太落伍。

  • PolkadotCoos这样的多链协议在焦点开发和开发者孝敬方面持续增进,保持了已往一年的增进。他们新的竞争对手Avalanche也取得了伟大的生长,他们的周投入和月活跃开发者在一年中增加了4倍,达到了CoosPolkadot50%左右。

  • FilecoinSiacoin等去中心化存储协议见证了焦点开发、开发者孝敬和接纳的飞跃。在其公然刊行的那一年,Filecoin加入了区块链开发最活跃的5个项目。

  • 以太坊杀手TronEOSKomodoQtum的焦点开发指标泛起下降。

  • 在企业区块链领域,HyperledgerCorda有更高的开发流动,但Corda的增进略好。





2020 was an interesting year for theblockchain and crypto space. With bulls taking charge of the markets andBitcoin breaching all time highs, the investors and ‘hodlers’ saw a good time.But how did the blockchain protocols do in terms of development? What were thekey trends in core development and developer contribution over the past year?Will they continue this year as well? To answer these questions, OutlierVentures performed an in-depth technical *ysis of the codebase of topprojects in the blockchain and crypto landscape.

The last 12 monthsExecutive summary

üETHereum is still the most active developed Blockchain protocol,followed by Cardano and Bitcoin.

üMulti-chain protocols like Polkadot, Coos and Avalanche are seeinga consistent rise in core development and developer contribution.

üIn the year of its public launch, decentralized file storage projectFilecoin jumped straight into the top 5 of most active developed projects.

üETHereum killers Tron, EOS, Komodo, and Qtum are seeing a decreasein core de-velopment metrics.

üDeFi protocols took the space by storm with ETHereum being thechoice of the undering blockchain and art contracts platform. They saw anincrease in core development and developer contribution activity over the yearwhich was all open sourced. The most active projects are Maker, Gnosis andSynthetix, with Aave and Bancor showing the most growth. SushiSwap and YearnFinance, both launched in 2020, quick grew toward and beyond the developmentactivity and size of most other DeFi protocols.

üNFT and 元宇宙 projects like collectibles, gaming, crypto art andvirtual worlds saw a market-wide increase in interest, but most follow aclosed source devel-opment approach. A notable exception is Decentraland, whichhas development activity on the levels of some major blockchain technologieslike Stellar and Al-gorand, and ahead of some of the most popular DeFiprotocols like Uniswap and Compound.

Blockchain Protocol

Executive Summary

ETHereum, with a total of 42457 commits, isstill the most active developed Block-chain protocol, followed by Cardano(37327) and Bitcoin (21614). Polkadot and Coos with 18879 and 17854 totalcommits are not too far behind in develop-ment activity.

Multi-chain protocols like Polkadot andCoos are seeing a consistent rise in core development and developERContribution, maintaining their growth achieved over the past year. Avalanche,their latest big competitor, saw tremendous growth, increasing their weekcommits and month active developers by 4x over the year, arriving at a levelof around 50% of that of Coos and Polkadot.

Decentralized storage protocols likeFilecoin and Siacoin saw a jump in core de-velopment, developer contributionand adoption. In the year of its public launch, Filecoin joined the top 5 mostactive developed blockchain projects.

ETHereum killers Tron, EOS, Komodo, andQtum are seeing a decrease in core de-velopment metrics.

In the enterprise blockchain domain,Hyperledger has higher development activity than Corda, but Corda has slightbetter growth.

Top 5 most active

The most active developed protocols areETHereumand Cardano, in a league of their own considering code commits with 866and 761 average week commits.Bitcoin (441), Filecoin (405) and Polkadot (385)complete the top 5 at levels around 50% of ETHereum and Cardano.

Looking at the month active developers,ETHereumleads with 220 month active core developers on average, followed byHyperledger (149), Cardano (144), Bitcoin (103) and Filecoin (92).

Filecoin saw good growth in coredevelopment, especial in the third quarter as they were preparing for theirmainnet launch in mid October. In May, they launched the second phase of theirTestnet, which was the last major milestone before mainnet launch andcorresponds to a local maxima in the commits graph as they released twointeroperable Filecoin implementations (go-filecoin and Lootus), secure proofs (WinningPoStand WindowPoSt), Drand, an overview of the network’s cryptoeconomic structures,a new documentation site, and new security audits before launch. Inpreparations for Slate (an open source file sharing network de-signed forresearch and collaboration) in September and for Mainnet launch on October15th, the commits rose by 175% from opening weeks.

Filecoin saw a steady high level of monthactive developers, peaking around the October mainnet launch.










2021-2-6 12:20:32



2021-2-6 12:20:59

12 条回复 A文章作者 M管理员
  1. 孙哥
  2. Fishking


  3. 币区势


  4. 杰尼君


  5. 泪亚公子


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