今天看到国外论坛一篇短文,专门来比较BTC和BCH的区别,作者是Eric Wall,我把他转载过来,与诸君共赏。我英文不好,所以,用机器翻译过来,各位海涵,将就着看,译文后会附上原文,以待有能力者指正。
提问者: 有人可以解释一下比特币现金和BTC之间的区别吗? (显然是块大小,但我的意思是更笼统/从哲学上来说。)
Eric Wall的回答:
1. BCH认为,比特币首先需要证明其在转移价值上的有用性,然后才能让任何人接受该系统值得储值的想法。BTC认为,人们不会在善于储值之前先与该物进行交易。
2. 也许更重要的是,BCHers认为SPV( 简单支付验证, 是一种无须维护完整的区块链信息,只需要保存所有的区块头部信息即可进行支付验证的技术。)安全性对几乎所有用户而言都足够好,因此增加块大小并不意味着真正的妥协。 BTCers认为,完整的节点对于用户安全+系统去中心化至关重要,并且绝不会对此造成损害。
3. 更深层次的区别是,BTC员工相信除非用户运行完整的节点,否则它们是矿工/公司对他们施加的系统规则的要求。 BCHers相信,您只需要进行一些诚实的交流,然后您就可以在公开市场上为任何分叉尝试定价。
4. 此外,BCH员工本质上认为LN(闪电网络支付)永远不会真正正常工作,而BTC员工则认为BCH永远不会适当地安全。
5. **,由于在一些诚实的交易所上在公开市场上的定价,BCH输给了BTC。
6. 我想得出的结论是,当您尝试革新货币时,通过创建像比特币这样抽象的东西来做到这一点,强调通过质量验证使它的属性与物理世界中的东西一样有形是很重要的。Meme更强。
7. 现实并不重要,价格至关重要。Meme赢得了价格。赢得Meme,就能赢得世界。
1. BCH believes that bitcoin first needs to demonstrate its usefulness at transfering value before anyone would entertain the idea that the system is worth storing value in. BTC believes people are not going to want to transact with the thing before it is good at storing value.
2. Perhaps more important, BCHers believe that SPV security is good enough for almost all users, and that increasing the block size thus means no real compromise. BTCers believe that full nodes are crucial to user security + system decentralization and will never compromise on it.
3. A deeper distinction is that BTCers believe that unless users run full nodes, they are at the behest of the system rules the miners/corporations force on them. BCHers believe that you on need a few honest exchanges and then you can price out any fork attempt on the open market.
4. Also, BCHers essential believe LN will never real work proper, and BTCers believe BCH will never be proper secure.
5.In the end, BCH lost to BTC by being priced out on the open market on a few honest exchanges.
6. I guess that the takeaway is that when you’re trying to revolutionize money, and you’re doing it by creating somETHing as abstract as bitcoin, having an emphasis on making its properties as tangible as somETHing in the physical world through mass-validation is the stronger meme
7. Reality is not important, price is. And memes win the price. Win the memes, and you win the world.